Categories / Romance

Fly Me to Paris


$12.99 USD ($17.99 CAD)

  • Pages: 304 pp.
  • Size: 5 x 7.75
  • FormatPaperback
  • On Sale: May 28, 2024
  • ISBN 13: 9781667207476

Penny Thomas's job is far from thrilling, and her boyfriend of fifteen years shows no sign of wanting to commit. She has just turned fifty and is going nowhere. Wanting a new start in life, Penny applies for a job as a flight attendant to find out what she is truly capable of. Her new job brings the adventure she craves, even if she does keep bumping into an impossibly handsome but deeply annoying pilot named Matt Garcia. Stuck in Paris on an unscheduled stopover, the chemistry between them grows. But the path of love never did fly smooth, as Matt's past threatens to come between them. And anyway, Penny isn't looking for love. But what if it finds her?